Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Family Photos

Here's to my Wisconsin family. Wish we could see each other more.
Glad we all had the opportunity to feel our very first earthquake together!
As exciting as it was, it's always good to be home.
Rob got off super early, so we've been hanging out since 3:30.

Here's what the trip looked like:

Catching dreams on the way to Virginia.
Heidi and Dylan.
My favorite 4 yr old ever, LINK!
Dylan hated the camera.
Evan is a fish you know.
Loves his doggy... Mommy left it in Va. Idk HOW i'm going to get this child to sleep tonight without it. I would LOVE for someone to bring it to me so I don't have to go through that. Any volunteers??
Eli. So cute :)
Lot's of Nudity.
My BEAUTIFUL great grandmother, gommy.
Don't mind the flash.
Aunt Kelsey came to visit =]
I'm officially a blonde. It's been a while.


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful family Gretchen! Thanks for making the earthquake seem exciting rather than scary from up our way. :+) Love, Barbie
