Thursday, August 18, 2011

big boy beds

So we decided that because I'm in the baby business, The most practical thing to do would be bunk-beds. Unfortunately that meant my dream big boy bed ideas had to be vetoed (for now).. Meanwhile, Evan is LOVING his new big boy bed and telling all of his friends "daddy made it" In which, he sort of did..being that it took him 6 hours to put it together.. and he hasn't even started on the drawers yet! 
I honestly thought it would be the worst idea in the world to take him out of his crib when he's barely even 2, but he's sleeping even longer now. Children don't always make much sense. Mine doesn't at all these days. We are really struggling with naps still. It's only been a few days. I wish i had more patience and less of a "if it doesn't happen right away, i must be doing something wrong"mentality.

Anyway, here's what been happening around here:::::::::::

& as Rob built the bunks Evan was grounded to his crib one last time...

This is a wall in E's room I painted the same lime green as my wall's were when I packed up my high-school bedroom and headed to Carolina.

This is when Rob came out of the bedroom with a half-finished bunk bed and I had to flash him with the camera over and over again until he went back in to finish =]

This is me sitting on our porch waiting on a phone call because t-mobile = $hit and I get no reception what-so-ever in my apartment.

Rob's home from work now, and Evan's still napping =  uninterrupted time together for a hopeful half hour. Pictures of finished bunks and who knows what else to come.

