Friday, August 5, 2011


I love date nights. Rob and I have never been the "dinner & a movie" kind. Because we don't get time to ourselves much, we'd prefer to have dinner and grown-up conversations..and drinks, and more drinks... We usually end up at a local bar playing pool, bags, or picture hunt. Not to diss on movies, we are HUGE redbox fans! So huge that we can't bring ourselves to spend $20 or more on movie tickets, knowing that if we waited we can rent it for a whole lot less.

The reason for this entry was to share with you readers how EXCITED I am, We are, about date night tomorrow. God  DOES answer prayers. Even though I'm slightly scared about spending money with Rob's new job coming up. It's one of those "salary plus commission" jobs. The benefits is what sold us. And that it's with a really good and trusting company.
He starts Monday. I'm so proud of him for getting out of restaurant. I just hope it's as good as it's played out to be. I'm not prepared, nor do i want to be disappointed again. He's been through three job changes since March. From brueggers to dodge, from dodge to ice cream, from ice cream to subs, and now this. I'm just really hoping that this will be the "light at the end of the tunnel" we've been looking for. If so, (and that's a REALLY BIG If so) Then I can't even wait for the wonderful work hours we will be spoiled with. The full weekends we'll be able to plan, TOGETHER. The family dinner's we'll  have every night, TOGETHER. Reading bedtime stories, tucking in, and saying goodnight to our baby, together. I, we have wanted this for so long now.


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