Wednesday, January 25, 2012






1.) Evan + Carrigan + barnes & noble + thankgoodnessforstarbuckscoffee.
2.) I get to see this pretty girl's face 5 days a freakin' week. Evan & I are in so much love.
3-8.) My baby boy being his baby boy self.
9.) The only boy I know who can rock the highwaters.
10-12.) My lovie & I at a hurricanes game. Blastly blast. Minus the 8 dollar beer and 12 dollar nachos.
13. 15. 16.) I don't even know. Probably playing photo hunt because I am pretty sure it was senior citizen night at the pub & we just didn't get the memo.
14.) Last (sort of..) but not least, My handsome husband.

*more to come

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New year, New blog entry

Good-bye 2011..
Hello, 2012!!!

Rob and I have had a fabulous christmas and new years holiday filled with a lot of many family and friends.
I've got lots of resolutions this year I totally-100% plan to keep.

As much as we would have loved to stay another week,
We're happy to be back at home tonight in our cozy queen sized bed.
& Also happy that Rob doesn't have to go back to work until Tuesday.. & we have yet another whole day to spend together. The time off has been absolutely wonderful. & much, much, MUCH needed.
I can actually say that I feel very relaxed & that is very unlike me after a "vacation"

Since we've been home for the past 2 hours Rob and I have done ALL the laundry, completely unpacked & cleaned out my car, vacuumed, bathed, cleaned and put to sleep our love child & have nothing.. Can I say that again.. NOTHING left to do but fall asleep watching & laughing to stand up comedy for the rest of the night.

& he owes me a foot rub for driving home tonight so he could get some shut-eye from the new years eve dance & debate party we had =]

Happy new year!!

* One of my new years resolutions is to update & post pictures here more frequently :)