Monday, August 1, 2011


A time for myself, and other "sahm" mommies like me to just relax. As much as I love all 31 pounds of my Evan baby, It's good, REALLY good, to have "me" time. Even if i never do half of the things I say I am while he's napping, It's almost always SOMEWHAT of a success.

 I spent the last week and then some visiting my Virginia family. Time always escapes me while I'm there. But it was good,really good. Amidst the chaos I was still able to find "me" time, lots of it, and that is exactly what i needed going into this trip. I had promised myself I would catch up on sleep. I decided to break that promise and hang out with old friends. In the end it was a win-win situation.

I love seeing my husband after it's been few days. He's having car trouble, plus no AC in this god-awful heat, So he dropped Evan and I off and I sent him, and my fully-loaded-air-conditioned honda back to Carolina. He was so grateful. And I was just happy to see him happy. Another win-win.

Evan turned 2. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I love that he's growing up and developing his own little personality, which he has LOTS of. But i definitely miss the neediness he's grown out of. Every once and awhile he still let's me rock him to sleep and feed him his bottle, i mean, big boy cup ;) I think he secretly knows how much i love it, but also knows he's no baby anymore.

He refers to all small object's as "baby's." The other day when we were playing playdough and making little eggs for a birds nest, he picked up the smallest one and whispered "a baaaaaaaaaaaaaby" It's strange, yes, but i love it, and i love him.

Now for the random part of the post where i write down all the things that have  gone threw my little brain in the past five minutes:

I need to do a lot of things.
I need to do laundry, LOTS OF LAUNDRY.
I need to finish Evan's baby scrapbooks before he graduates college.
I need to check the mail.
I need my new camera charger to be IN the mail.
I need to upload pictures from my casio camera
I need to steam clean my carpets.
I need to clean my bathrooms.
I need to buy apple juice.
I need to start thinking about what's for dinner.
I need to plan out my August trip to the 757.
I need to pray that Rob's new job will be as good as it sounds.
I need to re-paint my fingernails.
I need to wash my hair.
I need to take out the trash.
I need to get a smart phone.
I need to never get my car towed again.
I need,want to win the lottery.
I need to go on vacation with my hubby...even if it's just to fancy restaurant for a few hours.
I need, i need, i need....

one down, Lots to go.


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