Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lately we've been...


Hi, Jack!

Getting everything together for a sleepover party at granny & papa's house

The "Speed demon" going 50MPH in a 70. We just HAD to take a picture of this obviously quick car ;)

Went to Barnes & noble for half an hour, this is what i came home to. Rob was snoozing on the couch. I mean, REALLY???????? Major blackmail.

It has been a crazy week.
Visiting my dad in Emporia, and believe it or not the drive there & back. Rob and I have some very different taste in music. We compromised with pink floyd, modest mouse, and PUNK GOES CRUNK. All of which we BOTH love.

Evan learned how to say "Chill out, mommy!" when i become heated and/or upset about anything. Rob taught him that one OF COURSE.

I GOT A NEW PHONE. It is BEAUTIFUL. I've never loved a phone as much as i do this one. Rob's blackberry is SO very jealous.

Evan told us yesterday he wants us to give him a little brother.
Quite clearly, that is word for word, EXACTLY how he said it.
My mouth fell to the floor.
Rob wouldn't, and still won't be quiet about it
Her name is beige and she is a very comfortable sectional couch that lives in our living room. He will be sleeping with her for the next 2-4 years. No jokes.

Evan and I have a million and twelve errands to run today, that includes some of my favorite ever places to go. Whole foods. Trader Joe's. Ollie's. &World market. And there will probably be a chick-fil-a or taco bell somewhere in the mix. We're just not inspired enough by this partly cloudy weather to be cooking anything.

Next time,
Gretchen Taylor


  1. Positively giggling over the little brother paragraph.
    If I start begging you for a little brother all the time, can I sleep on your couch too?

    No really, because your little kitchen in that picture of you looks presh.

  2. Haaaaaaaaaaahahah! Not you TOO!

    Besides, I've already decided our next child will be a girl =]

  3. I mean, I'll take a Baby Girl Taylor, too. ;)
