Monday, August 1, 2011

Toothpaste, cinnamon, and pink fish named harold.

It's been a three hour nap so far. I'm growing very anxious. I want to plaaaaaaaaay! haha. I have even contemplated waking him.....that is up until I heard my Nina's voice in the back of my head on repeat saying "never, never wake a sleeping baby!" To this day, I have never done it out of fear of what horrible things might happen. Evan, unlike his mother, very rarely even gets cranky. So I would really rather not mess that up. He's just the best little boy, I tell ya. Ask anyone!

 Happy August! I can't believe we only have one month of real summer left! As a child, summer time was my favorite time of the year no doubt. Not even comparable to christmas in my books. The more I've grown the less I've felt that way. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that i am not the same size i was before baby.... Sad but true, I haven't worked out at all since age 18. But I'm very determined! It's for my own good.

I've grown obsessed with reading any and every kind of homemaker book I can find. I have this undying urge to want to know everything there is from how to make homemade air fresheners out of cinnamon to safely dying Harold (the fish) shades of pink and purple- believe me, it's possible. I've come to terms with my career as a full-time mary poppin' mama, and instead of finding things to complain about all the time I am vowing to be more optimistic. (rob thinks i'm joking?) But this doesn't mean I'm canceling med-school plans, Just that I am not going to be in such a hurry. I've "hurried" through my entire life. Now, I'm slowing down.

Time for dinner :)

HINT FROM HELOISE: For all those hole's on the wall we've accumulated over the years, toothtpaste, yes TOOTHPASTE.. acts as a plaster, and dries really fast. As well as leaves the room smellin' minty fresh! Loved and really used this one.

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